Delarange Cosmetics

Welcome to PLMA World of Private Label 2023!

Your trusted partner

for high-quality cosmetic and medical device manufacturing.
Innovation is in our DNA

As a private label manufacturer, we take pride in pushing the boundaries of possibility.

A remarkable 25% of our annual revenue is derived from brand-new creations.

Speed to market:
9 to 12 months

All our products are developed 99% First Time Right.

This results in minimal setbacks in compatibility and safety,
empowering us to get your
products into the market promptly without compromising on quality.

Europe's number 1 in lipcare

Europe's number 1 in lipcare

5 squared skincare

5 squared skincare

Embrace the skinimalism trend with this 100% natural, full skincare routine.

Designed to deliver maximum results with a maximum of 5 ingredients per product.

The future is solid and we are ready for it.

skincare sticks

skincare sticks

Cosmetic solid bars

Cosmetic solid bars